Hey guys, it's Zuganda here.
I wanted to apologize for the lack of overall content on my page. I've been dealing with issues of my own, and I'm working my way over it. I do have a piece of mind-blowing news, however:
After 15 whole weeks of brainstorming various ideas, I've decided that this trend has run its course.
That's right, I'm retiring Sicb after a good 15 weeks! It was quite the ride, and I really enjoyed it for the first few weeks, but you can only tell so many jokes in a continuous period before you either :
A.) Run out of ideas.
B.) Bore the f**k out of everybody.
C.) Realize that there IS nobody that wants to read your stupid rants, not even yourself.
Sob stories aside, I do plan on focusing more on art and whatnot, and I'll still continue to do weekly updates. I don't intend on leaving Newgrounds for a long time, not until I make my mark.
See you guys another day!