This is my New Grounds profile. I'll post art here, sometimes.



Joined on 8/16/21

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ZugandaFuckles's News

Posted by ZugandaFuckles - July 4th, 2022

HEY fellas, Zug here with another SICB.

Today's been quite interesting, out in the U.S., you'll hear these idiots setting off fireworks as late as 3 am!

But that doesn't matter in the least, 'cause today, I took a trip to Fart Locker with my bitch main. And lemme tell you, it was fuckin' BONKERS! The amounts of ass you can buy is crazy. I tried to take some from the clearance section, but I didn't get far before I realized why they were on clearance in the first place. Bloody diarrhea aside, I'd give the experience a 10/10! But don't just take my word for it, check it out yourself!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - June 28th, 2022

Hey fellas, Zug here.

Sorry for the day-late sicb, I was busy arm-wrestling my good friend ShadBarnacle Dingleflock. The fight got real dirty, so I had to end it by reminding him that he was paralyzed from the waist down. He told me to fuck off, and started flinging his soiled diapers right at my crotch. It made me wonder, "What the fuck did I do to make him so mad? Why'd that get under his skin so badly?" As far as I'm concerned, he's never been that riled up before. It's probably that damn phone. You know, the one he uses whenever he falls down and 'cAn'T gEt bAck uP' (Fucking losEr!!! lol) It's got a single fucking button on it too, so it's pretty damn ancient. I might just surprise him with a blackberry next week, just to make up for it.

I will be releasing my friend Jon into a container of ketchup and bug butter pretty soon. Stay tuned!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - June 20th, 2022

Hey, people that have no taste in women!

...This post isn't for you bub-fucks. Scram!

Zuganda here with another SICB. This post I'm feeling a little bit of a 'simpy-wimpy' virgin, but I'll risk my reputation and state it:

Not too long ago, Broski PhantomArcade teased in one of his streams that lil Asain girl, wait for it....

...Biting her LIP!!!! Like her own lip, and bro I got sooooooo horny; Dick went through the ceiling for that one. But the question is, WHY?!? I didn't even think up this question myself, but as soon as he said he wouldn't explain it, I instantly grew thirsty: Thirsty for ANSWERS, ones that I will very soon GET!!

I'm gonna go punch some Khakussy, stay facked you dingers!!!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - June 13th, 2022

Hey, empty space out there! It's Zuganda here with another SICB, ready to present with some more...

Oh fuck it. What's the point? Making a weekly post of mildly interesting recounts of my life could, work, if I actually HAD one! Speaking which, how's your mother? HAhahahaaaahahhahahahah

I don't understand anyone who fucks with Savesta. Mans is such a devious shithead, and me (Team Kumalala) will his shit outta him and put ours right back in!!

I'm gonna go fuck with Sansfield on hard mode now, see you fackers later!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - June 9th, 2022

Hey guys, welcome to another (belated) S.I.C.B.! Currently righting this whilst doing the ol' shid n' fard, so soary for the mistypigns.

Here's smth I can't understand:

Why can't we just talk abotg the politikul and economuinx st8 of the wrld rn? It maekes no facking sense as to y every1 is so oopoesed!

Okat, maybe I'm not fit forf thies crap rn. See u guays later>!!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - May 30th, 2022

Hey guys, Zug here with another S.I.C.B.! This one’s a little more serious, but it still boggles my mind;

Supposedly, if you go onto Reddit looking for questions, you’re more likely to get an answer if someone beforehand gives one that’s completely incorrect.

Now, It isn’t outright crazy per se, but it’s still food for thought; Could the driving force be to prevent misleading information? Or id it to chastise the blatantly incorrect?

That’s all for today, I’ll see you guys next week. I’ll try to have something out before then, but we’ll have to see how it goes.


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - May 23rd, 2022

Hey fellas, welcome to another S.I.C.B.! It's great to be posting this week, as I have finally just beat my pet leopard into submission, and am getting ready to mail his tail to JohnnyUtah because why the fuck not?

Here's what boggles my fucking mind:

Bbpanzu (or maybe some nutty fan of his) has an account on fanfiction.org! He's got 2 stories so far, but it seems he left it in the dust more than 5 years ago.

...this is Zug here, Bbpanzu. Wait hold on lemme-
















...that's better.

Man, PLEASE finish your Matt x Matilda fic. You could potentially take out ALL the Matt-Edd stans with the flippin' TRUTH!!

I need this. You need this. WE need THIS. So what, it's cringe? I mean, so's the fnf subreddit! Please man, I'll... I'll mail YOU my leopard tail instead!



Posted by ZugandaFuckles - May 17th, 2022

I'm currently writing this feeling like a shit sack from Two Girls One Cup, but I'm determined to make a shitty blog, so yeah, here's the third S.I.C.B.!

I can't believe the new hit game Friday Night Foreskin (great game) isn't frontpaged yet! It's bullshit! Fuckin' blasphemy! Or smth like that. Here's a link so you can have a dope-ass experience for the next 5 minutes: Frontpage this shit (or don't, I still love ng regardless)

See you fackers later!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - May 9th, 2022

Hey fellas, welcome to another S.I.C.B.!

...wait, this was supposed to be last week? Of course it was, dumbass! You fuckin' forgot!

Here. I'll have another one up by tomorrow.

I can't believe people when they tell me they aren't addicted to water. That's a right-fucking lie! Have you seen anyone go more than three days drinking the stuff?

Regardless, true chads learn to drink the combination of blood and grinded bug-butter. The greatest shit known to man, I daresay!

See you fackers tomorrow!


Posted by ZugandaFuckles - April 25th, 2022

Welcome to SICB (Something I cannot believe!) where I post weekly about something that anywhere from mildly interests me to completely bewilders me to the point of defecation! NoimnotdoingthisforrelevanceYOUREdoingthisforrelevance:

S.I.C.B. (#1):

I can’t believe my pc just stopped working! I just can’t seem to turn it on. I’ve got an idea though; There’s a stick of butter in the freezer. I’ll try using it as lubricant for the cpu, ‘cause maybe something’s jamming up? I’ll update you guys next week. Toodles!
